We are a friendly Church of England Church in Banners Gate.

We’re really glad you have found us online but would love to meet you on person at our weekly 10am Communion, or monthly church@4 gathering for families together.



We are committed to St Columba’s being a safe and healthy church for all. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer Steph Hayes 07342 993 844 stephh@cofebirmingham.com

Our Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator is Deborah Scrivens, who can be contacted on 07735 121 551.

For all other parish matters please contact the Vicar Rev Beccy vicar.bannersgate@gmail.com

In an emergency, please call the Police 999 or 101. If you are worried about a child or vulnerable adult find who to contact HERE

You’ll find our Church Safeguarding policy in the ‘our policies’ tab, or you can go straight there by clicking HERE.

We are a part of the Church of England and meet  every Sunday at 10am for a relaxed communion, and have a fun gathering for families together once a month called church@4 in the hall. 
If you would like to explore a wedding, baptism or a funeral here at St Columba’s please contact Rev’d Beccy.

The church hall is used by lots of community groups: if you have a long term let enquiry please email: st.columbahall@yahoo.com

For all other enquiries, please contact Rev’d Beccy: by email vicar.bannersgate@gmail.com